The 4th Progress meeting (5th project meeting) took place at Innventia, Stockholm, Sweden on 17th-18th June 2015. Meeting documents from the 4th Progress meeting of the JRP xDReflect are available on the pages for the Stakeholders Committee and Project Members.
Category Archives: News
Update of the webpage
Summaries, describing the goals and main objectives of the workpackages, are newly also available in the different languages of the project partners. References to relevant publications have been updated and information about the Collaborators and Stakeholders of the project has been added on the webpage.
3rd Progress meeting
Dear JRP Partners, dear guests,
The 3rd Progress meeting (4th project meeting) took place at the Universidad de Alicante in Spain on 3-5 December 2014 . Meeting documents from the 3rd Progress meeting of the JRP xDReflect are available on the pages for the Stakeholders Committee and Project Members.
One year anniversary!
The Joint Research Project „Multidimensional reflectometry for industry“ celebrates its first year!
The European Project xDReflect is now one year old.
During the past year, we started the development of new metrological facilities, mathematical tools, measurement procedures, light booths and standard artefacts in order to progress into the measurement and control of optical properties of materials implicated in the appearance of surfaces. Our efforts have been concentrated on the characterization of goniochromatism, sparkle, graininess, gloss and fluorescence.